Website migration update

This is just a small update post that this website has been migrated from running off of a full-fledged server to a static site. (You can read about the creation process of the original version of the site here.)

In order to create the new version of the site I simply exported the blog posts' data from the database and arranged them into a file structure. Then I wrote a Node script to generate the static HTML pages to serve, which was only over 100 lines. Finally I chose Cloudflare Pages to host, which can run the script and serve the result. (I've already been using GitHub Pages for hosting my small web apps but Cloudflare offered features like URL redirection.)

You may have noticed that there were no blog posts in the last year 2023, that was because I tried quite a few things but none of them was able to come to a state worth making a documentary on. Hopefully I will have some that do to share this year.

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